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Oncology , Phase 1 Trials , Healthy Volunteer Trials , Translational Pharmaceutics

How Phase I healthy volunteer trials can accelerate oncology drug development

For most compounds, the route from preclinical to clinical is clear. In oncology drug development, the path is different. 

Traditionally, early-stage cancer drug trials involve patients due to potential safety concerns. However, newer targeted treatments with better safety profiles can be tested on healthy volunteers. Conducting Phase I trials in healthy volunteers can speed up development and reduce costs, while still providing valuable safety and effectiveness data. This article discusses how healthy volunteer studies offers benefits like consistent results, easier recruitment, and simpler study logistics. 

For many new molecules, a comprehensive safety preclinical toxicology package is generated and the data from that package is used to design the first-in-human (FIH) study in a healthy volunteer panel. This Phase I study will test the safety and tolerability of the compound, as well as its pharmacokinetics in single, and multiple ascending doses. The data study from the Phase I study provides the springboard for the rest of the drug development program.

In oncology drug development, however, the path can be somewhat different. 

Traditionally, drugs that have oncology indications have poor safety and tolerability profiles, to the point that dosing them in healthy volunteers presents too much risk, and could be considered unethical. This coupled with the vast unmet patient need for effective oncology treatments means that the FIH study changes from dosing healthy volunteers to dosing directly in patients.

The benefits from this strategy are plain to see; preliminary efficacy data far earlier than the traditional route, safety and tolerability assessments which are directly relevant to the expected patient group, and giving patients earlier access to new treatments. Regulatory agencies require a reduced preclinical data package for straight-to-patient studies compared to the healthy volunteer route for oncology drugs, saving the drug developer time and cost.

Equally, there are acknowledged challenges with performing Phase I trials of any type in a patient population. Subjects involved in these studies are patients for whom no current efficacious treatment is available. Severe comorbidities, the presence of multiple diseases or medical conditions, can cloud the safety profile of the new test products. The disease state of these subjects also brings with it inherent variability into the drug’s pharmacokinetics, often due to hepatic or renal impairment. This further complicates assessments of safety, tolerability, and efficacy because the exposure of the compound from subject to subject can vary significantly. Furthermore, recruiting and conducting these studies can be logistically challenging, requiring multiple sites and a much longer study duration than a Phase I study in healthy volunteers.

In the last 5 years alone, we've performed over 50 Phase I studies of various types, all with a goal to reduce the time and cost of the development of oncology molecules.

Where safety allows, there can be compelling drivers for using healthy volunteer trials to develop oncology molecules. Recent improvements in drug discovery have led to a new generation of oncology-targeted molecules that are more specific and rely less heavily on general cytotoxicity. New generations of molecules known as molecularly targeted agents (MTA) usually have a favorable safety profile that can make them suitable for dosing in healthy volunteer studies. 

There are significant, tangible benefits for studying oncology molecules in healthy volunteer studies, for example:

  • There is less variability within a healthy volunteer population. By their nature, healthy volunteers have more consistent physiology specifically regarding clearance routes, leading to less variable pharmacokinetic data. The absence of co-morbidities makes assessing drug-related adverse events clearer.
  • Healthy volunteer studies, typically, have less challenging logistics. Studies in healthy volunteers can be run at any Phase I clinic with experience translating oncology molecules into healthy volunteers. Studies can usually be conducted at a single site, and healthy volunteers are ubiquitous to the general population, leading to simpler, faster recruitment.

In the last 5 years alone, we've performed over 50 Phase I studies of various types, all with a goal to reduce the time and cost of the development of oncology molecules, including:

Getting preliminary information on efficacy as early as possible is of significant importance to oncology compounds in order to ensure that any patients taking the compound are not being exposed to ineffective or sub-therapeutic levels of the drug. With a healthy volunteer study, this understandably becomes more difficult, but not impossible. Healthy volunteer studies can still deliver meaningful pharmacodynamic data. 

An understanding of the pharmacology of the drug can allow for the use of clinically relevant biomarkers, for example, in the following paper, inhibition of basophil activation was used as a substitute marker for efficacy for a drug that targeted the PI3K delta pathway, and the data generated from this study helped to inform on the recommended Phase II dose.

While the majority of oncology development is geared towards patient studies, traction is building in the use of healthy volunteers for the Phase I drug development program.

Unlike other indications, translating an oncology molecule into a healthy volunteer study has a unique set of challenges, which is especially true for FIH studies. A medical review of the safety data will be required to assess whether the drug is suitable for healthy volunteer studies, following which a gap analysis of the preclinical safety package needs to identify if the regulatory agencies will require additional studies beyond what would be expected for a direct-to-patient route.

While the majority of oncology development is geared towards patient studies, traction is building in the use of healthy volunteers for the Phase I drug development program. Contact us to find out more about our latest oncology drug development updates.

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