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FreeThink ASAPprime , Dr. Helen Baker , Formulation Development

How to leverage ASAPprime® as part of your next drug program for rapid stability data

Read more about how the FreeThink ASAPprime® software works to help save time and cost in drug development.

See how the FreeThink ASAPprime® software works in this video.


Traditional drug development stability studies are known to be demanding in terms of both time and resources. Accelerating testing using the Arrhenius equation and complex modeling to predict chemical degradation by analyzing samples stored under “stressed” conditions can greatly reduce the time required to generate the same data.

Quotient Sciences now offers FreeThink ASAPprime® software as an add-on service to drug programs to rapidly predict long-term product shelf-life. 

FreeThink ASAPprime® can accelerate data-driven decision-making at all stages of the drug development process by fast-tracking excipient compatibility and prototype selection in early development, packaging stability and shelf life, and excipient or API change assessment in commercial products. 

A dedicated stability lab to support programs and products utilizing this software has been set up at Quotient Sciences laboratories with full compatibility for both in-house testing and cross-site collaboration. 

We’re pleased to offer this service as part of our ongoing commitment to cutting-edge science and accelerating molecules to market. Contact us today for more information about how we can help you leverage ASAPprime® software in your drug program.


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