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Quotient Sciences Wins Multiple Categories in 2023 CDMO Leadership Awards

CDMO Leadership Awards 2023 logos

Quotient Sciences has been recognized as a multi-category award winner of Outsourced Pharma and Life Science Leader’s 2023 CDMO Leadership Awards.

Now in its 12th year, the CDMO Leadership Awards recognize the best contract development and manufacturing organizations (CDMOs) across categories including: Capabilities, Compatibility, Expertise, Quality, Reliability, and Service.

Winners are judged by customers as either exceeding expectations or as top performers and customers can only evaluate CDMOs with which they've worked with in the past 18 months. Primary market research conducted by ISR Reports is the basis of the awards. Sponsors provide their ratings of contract development and manufacturing organizations based on their recently outsourced projects. The feedback is then reviewed to determine leading CDMOs in these performance categories.  

CDMOs can win in up to three groups of outsourcing respondents including Big Pharma, Small Pharma, and Overall (combined Big and Small Pharma). For 2023, Quotient Sciences is the recipient of CDMO Leadership Award recognition in the following areas:

  • Capabilities (Overall, Small Pharma)
  • Compatibility (Overall, Small Pharma)
  • Expertise (Overall, Small Pharma)
  • Quality (Small Pharma)
  • Reliability (Small Pharma)

See the full list of winners presented by Outsourced Pharma and Life Science Leader

Video: Live from the awards ceremony during DCAT 2023

In this featured video taken during DCAT 2023, Dr. Sarah Stevens, former Senior Vice President & Head of Early Development & Late-Stage Commercial at Quotient Sciences, comments on the importance of receiving this recognition.

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