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Articles & Publications , Events , Dr. Andrew Lewis , Dr. Andrew Parker , Formulation Development , GLP-1 Therapeutics , Oral Peptides

Video Interview: Dr. Andrew Lewis and Dr. Andrew Parker Speak with Manufacturing Chemist at CPHI Milan

Manufacturing Chemist

In this video interview with Manufacturing Chemist, Dr. Andrew Lewis, Chief Scientific Officer, and Dr. Andrew Parker, Senior Drug Development Consultant, discussed the growing interest in oral peptides and common challenges faced in preclinical development during their attendance at CPHI Milan.

When asked about the growth in interest in oral peptides over the last 5-10 years, Dr. Lewis emphasized the advantages of peptides being delivered through the oral route, discussing how the approval of medications such as Rybelsus and Mycapssa have shown that peptides can be delivered systemically but by the oral route and also given a regulatory and development path. He explained how this is the case with many medications that would have previously been injected and can now also be delivered orally.

When asked about common challenges customers face in preclinical development, Dr. Parker spoke about molecules arriving at candidate selection and wanting to move into later development stages without sufficient justifications to do so yet, especially when they are not able to yet reach the high dose tox value needed for regulatory packages. He explained that this is often because many molecules coming out of discovery are very large, making them harder to formulate and get into clinical studies.

For the full interview, watch here.

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